I started this Substack to bring the academy into conversation with the local church (and vice-versa). I was recently able to do that with one of my favorite topics on the Influence podcast with George Paul Wood.
In the episode, I talk through a number of passages from Luke-Acts that link end-times proclamation with the call to share your possessions with others. Then I talk about what it means for us today.
In Luke, John the Baptist asks, “Who told you to flee the wrath that is about to be?” When the crowd asks, “What shall we do?” he tells them to share their stuff (Luke 3). In Acts, Peter proclaims that they are living in the last days. The crowd once again asks, “What shall we do?” And then they share their stuff (Acts 2). Clearly, the Holy Spirit wants us to see a connection between the imminent eschatological fulfillment of the kingdom and what we do with our money and possessions.
I think we should all ask ourselves the same question the crowds asked John and Peter: What shall we do?
I offer some answers in the podcast, sharing stories about having all things common in Scotland and Iowa, and proposing a fresh Christian vision for unmasking the idol that is named Mammon.
So what shall you do now? Give the podcast a listen!
Listen to it here.
Finally, you can buy my book here.