In some ways, the remarkable story of Chance the gardener (Chauncey Gardiner) is tied in with the theme of your essay. Being there wasting time for others. This he does brilliantly.
Your childhood memories are fascinating but brief. If you have not you should write a book about your early days in the Sahel (a new word for me). As a child in Cuba, I knew thatched dwellings in the middle of nowhere. We call them "bohíos." It did not surprise me that the pièce de résistance in your meal was a piece of hairy meat. I have not so fond memories of eating similar delights under a mango tree. I ate so many mangoes in my childhood, I cannot stand them now.
The Mishnah and Tosefta came to mind also as far as the purity of foods Jesus would it. Jesus may have eaten chicken, as it is a "clean animal" for the Jews, but I suspect it was not often. I know he ate fish, according to the Gospels. Bue even fish was not always plentiful. This brings me to Joanna and friends. They show up in The Chosen, a television series you may know. They helped and assisted Jesus through their means. I had to do some research to clarify the notion, as Jewish women depended on men.
Waiting for anything can be joyful but it can be terrible. Waiting for time can be both, as evidenced by the film "Waiting for Time", a true story of courage and resilience under the most horrendous conditions.
I thought of the Italian phrase and a national philosophy, "Il dolce far niente" (the sweetness of doing nothing). Waiting for a meal or waiting for the show to go on are blessings. Waiting alone is not a good thing. Waiting with people is essential. I venture to give you an article "We Wait For Jesus; Jesus Waits For Us" by Garrett Kell. Hebrews 10:12-13
I enjoyed reading this and I'm passing it on. Bravo!
I love Peter Sellers. The Pink Panther movies were my childhood family favorites. I had not heard of this one!
You're not the first person to suggest I write some of my childhood stories. I think I will, but I'm not ready to yet. Have you considered doing the same?
Thanks for all your wonderful and compelling thoughts, as always.
Upon reading the title this image popped up in my head.
In some ways, the remarkable story of Chance the gardener (Chauncey Gardiner) is tied in with the theme of your essay. Being there wasting time for others. This he does brilliantly.
Your childhood memories are fascinating but brief. If you have not you should write a book about your early days in the Sahel (a new word for me). As a child in Cuba, I knew thatched dwellings in the middle of nowhere. We call them "bohíos." It did not surprise me that the pièce de résistance in your meal was a piece of hairy meat. I have not so fond memories of eating similar delights under a mango tree. I ate so many mangoes in my childhood, I cannot stand them now.
The Mishnah and Tosefta came to mind also as far as the purity of foods Jesus would it. Jesus may have eaten chicken, as it is a "clean animal" for the Jews, but I suspect it was not often. I know he ate fish, according to the Gospels. Bue even fish was not always plentiful. This brings me to Joanna and friends. They show up in The Chosen, a television series you may know. They helped and assisted Jesus through their means. I had to do some research to clarify the notion, as Jewish women depended on men.
Waiting for anything can be joyful but it can be terrible. Waiting for time can be both, as evidenced by the film "Waiting for Time", a true story of courage and resilience under the most horrendous conditions.
I thought of the Italian phrase and a national philosophy, "Il dolce far niente" (the sweetness of doing nothing). Waiting for a meal or waiting for the show to go on are blessings. Waiting alone is not a good thing. Waiting with people is essential. I venture to give you an article "We Wait For Jesus; Jesus Waits For Us" by Garrett Kell. Hebrews 10:12-13
I enjoyed reading this and I'm passing it on. Bravo!
I love Peter Sellers. The Pink Panther movies were my childhood family favorites. I had not heard of this one!
You're not the first person to suggest I write some of my childhood stories. I think I will, but I'm not ready to yet. Have you considered doing the same?
Thanks for all your wonderful and compelling thoughts, as always.
I have written about my childhood already. When you write yours let me know.
I wrote some of them at home, some at the UI Library, and some while on vacation in Miami Beach.