“You seem like an…average person,” the stranger’s voice faltered through the phone. “Uh, a good person? You should come study with me and learn. I’ve taken classes and can show you that there’s only one catholic church.” In advance of CityChurch’s first public weekly services in Iowa City, I designed a mailer that was sent out to five thousand households. The man on the phone received the flier’s invitation to services at our “welcoming new community of faith.” So naturally, he called the church number, found out I was the pastor, and attempted to dissuade me from my mission. By “catholic,” he meant there was only one universal Christian church, one body of Christ; there was no need to define myself or my congregation as a boundaried entity. On one hand, he was right, of course. But that hadn’t stopped any clergy anywhere, in the last two thousand years, from gathering and pastoring unique, localized communities of believers.
Thanks for these thoughts Heather. Blessed are the poor.
Thanks Heather! It is so helpful and encouraging to hear more of your journey. I am looking forward to next week!